Change is part of all our lives, yet we often resist, fight, and fear it. Discover ways to survive—and even thrive—that are available to each of us during times of personal challenge, crisis, and unprecedented change. This course introduces tools to overcome fear and stages of mastering change.
Video Conference: Eckankar in New Jersey invites you to attend its new Zoom event offered through the Caldwell/West Caldwell Center for Continuing Education. To sign up online, please click the blue tickets button in the top right corner. Then follow the registration steps provided below.
Through interactive discussion, we will explore sources of fear, how to open your heart to your own inner guidance, and ways of viewing change that can resolve present and past issues. Learn techniques to creatively navigate through life’s changes by recognizing the gift of change and its opportunity for spiritual growth. This course is based on the teachings of Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. Anyone can use the tools and concepts offered to prove spiritual truths and find answers for oneself regardless of background or spiritual beliefs.
Registration Steps:
- At the My School Bucks page for Personal Improvement Courses, click the Options box and choose Embracing Change in Your Life: Tools to Overcome Fear from the list. Then complete the rest of the form.
- Click “Continue as Guest” or create an account.
- Choose payment options—the $45 cost for both sessions is payable by credit card or bank routing to CWC-Continuing ED. You may also register by mail to pay by check.
- You will receive the Zoom connection information several days before the class.
Register before 3/8/21 to avoid a $10.00 late fee. For more information, see the full course booklet for the 2021 Spring Semester. (This course is on page 15.)