An ECK Satsang class to discuss “The Master 1” discourse series will begin on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The class will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for 12 months, starting at 6:00 pm and not finishing past 7:30 pm. The class will remain open to join for three months, although beginning in September is encouraged, if possible.
To quote The ECKANKAR Lexicon, in part, “Satsang…means…coming in contact of MAN with the Living ECK Master; study of the works of ECK…hearing or reading the discourses of the Master; going in and making contact with the ECK SOUND CURRENT….”
The class is open to current members of Eckankar who are now receiving or have previously received and studied the Master 1 discourses.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting at its regularly scheduled date and time. If you plan to attend for the first time, please email the Arahata for the Zoom connection information.