Spiritual Experiences Guidebook Discussion

April 22, 2024 @ 9:30 am – 12:05 pm
Vic Weatherford
Spiritual Experiences Guidebook Discussion @ VIRTUAL

Are you having spiritual experiences? Would you like to explore past lives, remember your dreams, and meet spiritual masters who can guide you? Eckankar in New Jersey is offering a 3-part Spiritual Experiences Guidebook book discussion on spiritual tools and techniques to help you on your personal journey as you discover your own truth.

“The personal insights you gain can enrich your daily life, help open your Spiritual Eye, and reveal the love of God in your own heart.”  ─Spiritual Experiences Guidebook, by Harold Klemp, inside cover

Featured will be ECKANKAR’s Spiritual Experiences Guidebook, by Harold Klemp. You can receive a free copy of this Guidebook, which includes an enclosed CD, here or download the book in pdf format here.

The teachings of Eckankar can provide answers and spiritual techniques to help you explore the deeper connections between dreams, spiritual guides, and spiritual experiences. Please join us in one, two or all discussions in this three-part series held on three consecutive Mondays: April 22, April 29, and May 6, 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Follow the directions below to register.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Video Conference—Eckankar in New Jersey is inviting you to this Zoom event. Click the blue Register button above to receive the Zoom link for this event.