Discover a spiritual tool that can help you expand your awareness and live a happier, more contented life. The Community HU Song invites participants to sing the word “HU” which is an ancient, sacred name for God. A facilitator presents this simple technique, singing of the word HU, for approximately 20 minutes followed by up to five minutes of quiet contemplation. The Community HU is simply for the spiritual upliftment of those who attend and is not directed to any other purpose. Fellowship and light refreshments follow.
If you are interested in attending a scheduled Community HU Song listed below, view our events calendar for the specific date to see full location details.
Upcoming Community HU Songs
This discussion is for High Initiates only. The assigned chapter of the current book, or a date of a specific H.I. Letter to be discussed will be announced by email.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting at its regularly scheduled date and time. If you plan to attend for the first time, please call or email the above contact. The Arahata will email you the Zoom connection information shortly.
The Master has given the following update:
Many chelas have asked to maintain a connection with the ECK community via an inner HU Chant, held on a specific day, and/or at a specific time.
Singing HU together in this way can bring a greater sense of community to all, since outer ECK events are limited at this time.
On Wednesday at 10 AM simply read the following quote (or your own if you prefer) and sing HU silently or out loud for 20 – 40 minutes and go into contemplation for 3-5 minutes.
The Strength to Meet Life
“Sing HU once or twice a day for 10 or 15 minutes to spiritualize your state of consciousness.
During the time your singing HU, you are saying to Divine Spirit, “I’ve opened myself to you. Give me the understanding and the wisdom to meet the waves of life, and the problems, troubles, and whatever else. Give me the strength to meet life.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 34
Friends and family members can attend and participate in these Inner HU chants as long as they are familiar with the HU, and the format has been explained to them.
The ECKANKAR Spiritual Center has asked us to share experiences with this Inner Community HU. Please email your experience if you would like to share yours.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting at its regularly scheduled date and time. If you plan to attend, please call or email the above contact. You will be emailed the Zoom connection information about a week before the event.
Each meeting begins with a contemplation seed, a 5-minute HU Song, and a brief spiritual discussion. The meeting agenda will follow.
An ECK Satsang class to discuss “The Secret Way.” Class meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for 12 months.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting at its regularly scheduled date and time. Please email the Arahata, Bill Sinnett, at for the Zoom connection information.
“The chanting of the HU in groups is very important. It binds our spiritual community together. It creates a purifying wave and carries away a lot of the petty things that an organization in an area might get into. There’s a great deal of purification that goes on at the HU Chant.”
—Sri Harold Klemp, A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 2, pp. 222-23
Video/Phone Conference—The Chela HU Chant will take place as a Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 886 3273 4293
Passcode: 144803One tap mobile
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The purpose of a Satsang Intensive is to deeply explore a passage from the ECK works. It includes reading, reflection, sharing and discussion, and is intended to provide a spiritual setting for a connection to be made between the chela and the Inner Master. You can find additional information about the Satsang Intensive in the Members Area of the ECKANKAR website.
We will be scheduling monthly state-wide, chela-only Satsang Intensives on the 4th Sunday of the month going forward. RSVP to the contact above and you will receive an email confirmation with the passage we will be discussing in this Satsang Intensive.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting. The class is open to current members of Eckankar. If you plan to attend for the first time, please call or email the above contact. The Arahata will email you the Zoom connection information shortly.
An ECK Satsang class to discuss “The Easy Way” discourse series will begin on Monday, September 23, 2024. The class will meet on the 4th Monday of each month for 12 months, starting at 6:00 pm and not finishing past 7:30 pm. The class will remain open to join for three months, although beginning in September is encouraged, if possible.
To quote The ECKANKAR Lexicon, in part, “Satsang…means…coming in contact of MAN with the Living ECK Master; study of the works of ECK…hearing or reading the discourses of the Master; going in and making contact with the ECK SOUND CURRENT….”
The class is open to current members of Eckankar who are now receiving or have previously received and studied the Master 1 discourses.
Video Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting at its regularly scheduled date and time. If you plan to attend for the first time, please email the Arahata for the Zoom connection information.
The Master has given the following update:
Many chelas have asked to maintain a connection with the ECK community via an inner HU Chant, held on a specific day, and/or at a specific time.
Singing HU together in this way can bring a greater sense of community to all, since outer ECK events are limited at this time.
On Wednesday at 10 AM simply read the following quote (or your own if you prefer) and sing HU silently or out loud for 20 – 40 minutes and go into contemplation for 3-5 minutes.
The Strength to Meet Life
“Sing HU once or twice a day for 10 or 15 minutes to spiritualize your state of consciousness.
During the time your singing HU, you are saying to Divine Spirit, “I’ve opened myself to you. Give me the understanding and the wisdom to meet the waves of life, and the problems, troubles, and whatever else. Give me the strength to meet life.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 34
Friends and family members can attend and participate in these Inner HU chants as long as they are familiar with the HU, and the format has been explained to them.
The ECKANKAR Spiritual Center has asked us to share experiences with this Inner Community HU. Please email your experience if you would like to share yours.
Are you looking for Spiritual Freedom?
Are you everything you want to be? There are ways to move beyond limitations in your life and find greater expression. Our daily experiences contain insights that can open us to spiritual freedom. How can we learn to recognize this?
During this conversation we will discuss spiritual techniques and principles that can help to transform your life. We’ll share a contemplative exercise that can uplift you spiritually, to experience more creativity and divine love.
Please join us for this short presentation and discussion. Come and share your experiences with those who are also exploring spirituality, and how Divine Spirit is helping us to live our lives with more love, joy, and freedom.
Held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7 pm, our Spiritual Conversations are informal, relaxed, and free. Anyone may attend. A different aspect of spirituality is featured each month. Join us and other like-hearted people to share insights, ask questions, or just listen, whether you’re puzzled about a life experience or curious about any spiritual topic. Give yourself the gift of a new experience of divine love and self-discovery.
Video Conference—Eckankar in New Jersey is inviting you to this ongoing Zoom event. Click the blue Register button above to receive the Zoom link for our next Spiritual Conversation. You’re welcome to drop in any time.
The chela HU Song (also called a HU Chant) is for chelas to sing their love for SUGMAD and contemplate with others who share a spiritual commitment to the Mahanta, It’s simply for the spiritual upliftment of those who come and is not directed to any other purpose.
Video/Phone Conference—This event will take place as a Zoom meeting on the last Friday of every month. If you plan to attend for the first time, please call or email the above contact. You will be emailed the Zoom connection information before the event.
All NJ ECK Chelas are welcome to join us in this Chela Book Discussion on The Spiritual Laws of Life by Sri Harold Klemp. Since it is a book discussion it will remain open to new attendees throughout the year.
As suggested on the back cover:
“Read Harold Klemp’s groundbreaking new book. Watch a new vista of understanding open for you. You’ve not seen the likes of it. Learn how to keep in tune with your true spiritual nature. Suddenly you’re living a full, exciting life of greater love, energy, and wonder.”
This discussion meets via Zoom on the 4th Saturday of each month, beginning on March 25th, from 10:30 am to 12 noon.
We will start by discussing the first five Laws of Wisdom – The laws that speak of divine power and how it manifests in the universe.
Zoom information is provided below.
Please note that this book has greatly expanded and replaced an earlier ECK book titled The Spiritual Laws of ECK. If you need a copy of this new book, it can be ordered for $16.00 plus postage from the Eckankar Bookstore: (Note: This is the link for the Second Edition. Allow up to 10 days for delivery.
If you have any questions, you may contact me at or (908) 304-0373.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 811 2648 1738
Passcode: 754985
One tap mobile +13092053325,,81126481738#,,,,*754985# US
Dial by your location +1 309 205 3325 US
The Master has given the following update:
Many chelas have asked to maintain a connection with the ECK community via an inner HU Chant, held on a specific day, and/or at a specific time.
Singing HU together in this way can bring a greater sense of community to all, since outer ECK events are limited at this time.
On Wednesday at 10 AM simply read the following quote (or your own if you prefer) and sing HU silently or out loud for 20 – 40 minutes and go into contemplation for 3-5 minutes.
The Strength to Meet Life
“Sing HU once or twice a day for 10 or 15 minutes to spiritualize your state of consciousness.
During the time your singing HU, you are saying to Divine Spirit, “I’ve opened myself to you. Give me the understanding and the wisdom to meet the waves of life, and the problems, troubles, and whatever else. Give me the strength to meet life.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 34
Friends and family members can attend and participate in these Inner HU chants as long as they are familiar with the HU, and the format has been explained to them.
The ECKANKAR Spiritual Center has asked us to share experiences with this Inner Community HU. Please email your experience if you would like to share yours.